The lsp
layer configures the Nvim LSP client via
nvim-lspconfig. It is a dependency
for layers requiring LSPs, such as most language layers.
LSs are installed by mason.nvim by default.
Neovim itself can also act as an LS to inject new LSP-like features via none-ls.nvim, a community fork of the discontinued “null-ls.nvim”. All documentation and code still refer to null-ls, as none-ls does not rename its API for compatibility concerns.
Bindings #
In normal mode:
goes to declaration;gd
does to definition;K
shows hover;gi
goes to implementation;<C-K>
shows signature help;<leader>D
shows type definition;<leader>rn
renames the current symbol;<leader>ca
runs a code action;<gr>
goes to references;<leader>e
show line diagnostics;[d
goes to previous diagnostic;]d
does to next diagnostic;gf
formats the current buffer.
Configuration #
): whether Mason should attempt to install language servers when none are explicitly specified;progess
): if nil, LSP progress reports are disabled;mason
): a valid Mason config;nullls
): strings used as keys are considered null-ls source names, and their values the respective configs. When non-strings are used as keys (e.g. implicit number indices in arrays), their values are assumed to be null-ls source names w/o configs;binds
(default as above): bindings as would be passed to thebinds
Examples #
-- path/of/your/vim/config/init.lua
nullls = {
['formatting.latexindent'] = {
extra_args = { '-m' },
}, -- LaTeX
'formatting.stylua', -- Lua
Layer-specific API #
Other layers (mostly language layers) may interact with lsp
via the
following methods.
use_server(lang:string, install:boolean, srv:string, settings:table)
Enables an LSP sever at startup, where:
is the name of the language (used by Mason);install
if the server should be installed via Mason;srv
is the name of the server executable (if any);settings
are any optional settings for the language server.
layers.get('lsp').use_server('go', true, 'gopls', {})
Adds an “on-attach”-like handler to be invoked when LSs get enabled for a buffer.
Adds an “on-attach”-like handler to be invoked each time a buffer sees an LS enabled for the first time.
Returns the list of “on-attach”-like handlers.
Returns the list of “on-attach-one-time”-like handlers.
Returns the capabilities’ handler.
Documentation #
You are encouraged to read the documentation for nvim-lspconfig
, mason.nvim
and nulls.nvim
. These projects are linked at the beginning of this page.