
blankline layer #

The blankline layer adds indentation vertical guides using indent-blankline.nvim.

Configuration #

  • indent_blankline (table): a valid configuration for the indent-blankline.nvim plugin, as described in the relevant docs’ config type;
  • rainbow_integration (table): if set to a false-ish value, it disables integration with the rainbow layer even when the latter is enabled. Otherwise, it must be a list of tables describing highlight groups to be shared by the blankline and rainbow layers. Said tables are ordered by the outmost to the innermost highlight group to be used for indentation vertical guides and parentheses. Each table has the following field:
    • name (string): the name of the highlight group;
    • fg (string): a hex code in the form #RRGGBB to be used as foreground color for the highlighting. No background color will be set for the highlighting of indentation vertical guides and rainbow parentheses.

Examples #

-- path/of/your/vim/config/init.lua

  blankline = {
    indent_blankline = {
      debounce = 100, -- refresh is debounced by 100 ms
      indent = { char = "|" }, -- used to draw lines
      whitespace = { highlight = { "Whitespace", "NonText" } }, -- whitespace look
      scope = { exclude = { language = { "lua" } } }, -- hides scope in Lua
    rainbow_integration = {
        name = 'RainbowWhite',
        fg = '#FFFFFF',

Documentation #

Readme and docs for the original plugin are available at its repository.