
telescope layer #

The telescope layer adds telescope.nvim, a fuzzy finder over lists, to your editor.

Bindings #

In normal mode:

  • <leader>p find files by name;
  • <leader>f searches through file content.

Configuration #

  • config can be any valid configuration for require('telescope.nvim').setup as described here;
  • binds is a table of bindings passed in the binds layer format.

Examples #

-- path/of/your/vim/config/init.lua

  telescope = {
    config = {
      pickers = {
        find_files = {
          theme = "dropdown",
    binds = {
        mode = 'n',
        bind = '<leader>P',
        desc = 'Find new planets to explore',
      }] = 'planets',

Documentation #

Full documentation for telescope.nvim can be found here.