
snippet layer #

The snippet layer allows you to define code snippets via the LuaSnip snippet engine. These may be specified using VS Code syntax, SnipMate syntax, or directly in Lua.

Bindings #

  • <Tab> in insert mode: after typing snippet trigger, expands the snippet;
  • <Tab> in insert/selection mode: jumps to the next snippet stop;
  • <S-Tab> (shift + tab) in insert/selection mode: jumps to the previous snippet stop;
  • <C-E> (ctrl + e) in insert/selection mode: cycles through options for multiple choice snippet stops.

Bindings can be customized via the binds layer.

Configuration #

  • setup: setup settings for LuaSnip (as documented here);
  • loaders: a table whose keys are snippet types (lua, snipmate, or vscode) for Lua to load from the filesystem, and values are the respective configurations (as described here).

Examples #

-- path/of/your/vim/config/init.lua

  snippet = {
    setup = { -- LuaSnip setup configuration
      update_events = { "TextChanged", "TextChangedI" },
    loaders = {
      -- load SnipMate-like snippets from
      -- path/of/your/vim/config/snippets/. See below for an example.
      snipmate = {}
      -- load VS-Code-like snippets from any directory in your Neovim's
      -- `runtimepath` containing at least one VS-Code-like package.json
      -- contributing snippets. See
      -- as an example.
      vscode = {},
      -- load snippets defined in Lua from
      -- path/of/your/vim/config/luasnippets/. See below for an example.
      lua = {},
# path/of/your/nvim/config/snippets/haskell.snippets

# "main" will be expanded as Haskell's main function. The editor will move to
# the end of the snippet (where the main function implementation should be),
# selecting the word "undefined", which acts as default implementation.
snippet main
  main :: IO ()
  main = ${0:undefined}
-- path/of/your/nvim/config/luasnippets/all.lua
local ls = require("luasnip") -- snippets are defined as trees
local s = ls.snippet -- snippets constructor from trigger keyword and tree
local t = ls.text_node -- plaintext node 

return { -- this .lua file returns a list with just one snippet
  -- "lorem" will be expanded as plaintext, non-interactive snippet "Lorem
  -- ipsum dolor..."
  s("lorem", t("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."))

See the documentation section to get familiar with LuaSnip.

Layer-specific API #

Other layers may interact with snippet via the following method.

add_snippets(ldr:string, opts:table or nil) #

A wrapper for LuaSnip’s lazy loading. The first parameter is either “vscode”, “snipmate”, or “lua”. The second parameter is described in detail at the previous link.

local snippet = require('visimp.loader').get('snippet')

snippet.add_snippets('vscode', { paths = '~/.config/nvim/my_snippets' })

Documentation #

LuaSnip’s README lists all kinds of (un)official resources for beginners and experienced users, including: