
lspformat layer #

The lspformat layer adds conveniences for LSP formatting via the LSP-format.nvim plugin.

Configuration #

The same as the one for require("lsp-format").setup documented here, plus one additional patch option:

  • wq_fix (default true) applies an autocommand to fix the behaviours when quitting and wiring. Because the formatter is async by default the code wouldn’t be patched without this fix when wiring and closing the editor at the same time.

Examples #

-- path/of/your/vim/config/init.lua

  lspformat = {
    typescript = {
      tab_width = function()
        -- the `indent` value you pass to the `default` layer is stored here
        return vim.opt.shiftwidth:get()
    yaml = {
      tab_width = 2

Documentation #

The official documentation for the underlying plugin is available here.